435 Seaside Avenue Unit 805 Honolulu, HI 96815
Price: $349,000
Status: Active Under Contract
Fabulous fee simple one bedroom with washer and dryer in the apartment.
Complete renovation from 2021 which added value about $40,000.
Was originally used as two separate one bedroom connected to each other side by side with apartment #807.
Building allows 30-day rentals. But also, a great income property.
Owner looking for 1031 exchange in California and Buyer agrees to cooperate on that no cost. Listing by: Royal Hawaii Realty, Inc. (808) 723-4623
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string(408) "Fabulous fee simple one bedroom with washer and dryer in the apartment.
Complete renovation from 2021 which added value about $40,000.
Was originally used as two separate one bedroom connected to each other side by side with apartment #807.
Building allows 30-day rentals. But also, a great income property.
Owner looking for 1031 exchange in California and Buyer agrees to cooperate on that no cost."
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[MLSNumber] => Array
[0] => 202409128
[StreetNumber] => Array
[0] => 435
[PropertyType] => Array
[0] => Condo/Townhouse
[StreetName] => Array
[0] => Seaside
[StreetSuffix] => Array
[0] => Avenue
[UnitNumber] => Array
[0] => 805
[City] => Array
[0] => Honolulu
[StateOrProvince] => Array
[0] => HI
[PostalCode] => Array
[0] => 96815
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] => Array
[0] =>
[ListPrice] => Array
[0] => 349000.00
[CurrentPrice] => Array
[0] =>
[Neighbourhood] => Array
[0] => WAIKIKI
[Status] => Array
[0] => Active Under Contract
[PublicRemarks] => Array
[0] => Fabulous fee simple one bedroom with washer and dryer in the apartment.
Complete renovation from 2021 which added value about $40,000.
Was originally used as two separate one bedroom connected to each other side by side with apartment #807.
Building allows 30-day rentals. But also, a great income property.
Owner looking for 1031 exchange in California and Buyer agrees to cooperate on that no cost.
[ListOfficeName] => Array
[0] => Royal Hawaii Realty, Inc.
[BedsTotal] => Array
[0] => 1
[BathsFull] => Array
[0] => 1
[BathsHalf] => Array
[0] => 0
[LotSizeArea] => Array
[0] => 27269.00
[SqftTotal] => Array
[0] => 680
[YearBuilt] => Array
[0] => 1962
[BuildingName] => Array
[0] => Seaside Towers
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => Excellent
[ParkingTotal] => Array
[0] => 1
[StoriesType] => Array
[0] => One
[View] => Array
[0] => City,Marina/Canal,Mountain,Sunrise
[MaintenanceExpense] => Array
[0] => 699.00
[LandTenure] => Array
[0] => FS - Fee Simple
[ElementarySchool] => Array
[0] => Jefferson
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] => Array
[0] => Washington
[HighSchool] => Array
[0] => Kaimuki
[ListOfficeMLSID] => Array
[0] => RHRI
[ListAgentEmail] => Array
[0] => royalhawaiirealty@yahoo.com
[ListAgentDirectWorkPhone] => Array
[0] => (808) 723-4623
[ListAgentFullName] => Array
[0] => David S Rogers
[CloseDate] => Array
[0] =>
[MatrixModifiedDT] => Array
[0] => 2025-01-30T19:37:10.647
[Matrix_Unique_ID] => Array
[0] => 17964216
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => Array
[0] =>
[MLSAreaMajor] => Array
[0] => Metro
[PropertyFrontage] => Array
[0] => Other
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[0] =>
[_thumbnail_id] => Array
[0] => 26186488
[listing_image] => Array
[0] => 26186488
[1] => 26186489
[2] => 26189884
[3] => 26189885
[4] => 26189886
[ListingContractDate] => Array
[0] => 2024-04-29
[ExemptListingEntryTimestamp] => Array
[0] =>
[MatrixModifiedTime] => Array
[0] => 19:37:10.647
- BedsTotal: 1
- Full Baths: 1
- Land Area (sf): 27,269 sf
- Living (sf): 680
- Year Built: 1962
- Building Name: Seaside Towers
- Property Condition: Excellent
- Number of Parking Spaces: 1
- View: City,Marina/Canal,Mountain,Sunrise
- Listing Office: Royal Hawaii Realty, Inc.
- Maintenance Fees: $699
- Land Tenure: FS - Fee Simple
- Elementary School: Jefferson
- Middle School: Washington
- High School: Kaimuki