1241 School Street Unit A Honolulu, HI 96817
Price: $525,000
Status: Active
Prime location for MIXED BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL ZONED property! This 2 bedroom 1 bathroom unit is a hidden gem right in the heart of School Street that is
close distance to a litany of businesses, restaurants and low rise apartment buildings. Directly next to Mexico Restaurant and Helena's Hawaiian food, this
property would be an excellent location for a small business or a possible tear down for an existing business to utilize for parking expansion. These mixed use
properties are rarely available in Kalihi so don't wait, call now! Listing by: Hawaii Life (800) 370-3848
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string(1) "A"
array(1) {
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string(5) "96817"
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close distance to a litany of businesses, restaurants and low rise apartment buildings. Directly next to Mexico Restaurant and Helena's Hawaiian food, this
property would be an excellent location for a small business or a possible tear down for an existing business to utilize for parking expansion. These mixed use
properties are rarely available in Kalihi so don't wait, call now!"
array(1) {
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array(1) {
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array(1) {
string(10) "Farrington"
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string(4) "HLRE"
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string(29) "tylerlundstrom@hawaiilife.com"
array(1) {
string(14) "(800) 370-3848"
array(1) {
string(15) "Tyler Lundstrom"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
array(1) {
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array(1) {
string(23) "2023-08-15T16:54:39.400"
array(1) {
string(5) "Metro"
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string(4) "None"
array(1) {
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string(8) "25920372"
string(8) "25920373"
string(8) "25920374"
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string(8) "25920377"
string(8) "25920378"
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[MLSNumber] => Array
[0] => 202319419
[StreetNumber] => Array
[0] => 1241
[PropertyType] => Array
[0] => Single Family
[StreetName] => Array
[0] => School
[StreetSuffix] => Array
[0] => Street
[UnitNumber] => Array
[0] => A
[City] => Array
[0] => Honolulu
[StateOrProvince] => Array
[0] => HI
[PostalCode] => Array
[0] => 96817
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] => Array
[0] =>
[ListPrice] => Array
[0] => 525000.00
[CurrentPrice] => Array
[0] => 525000.00
[Neighbourhood] => Array
[Status] => Array
[0] => Active
[PublicRemarks] => Array
[0] => Prime location for MIXED BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL ZONED property! This 2 bedroom 1 bathroom unit is a hidden gem right in the heart of School Street that is
close distance to a litany of businesses, restaurants and low rise apartment buildings. Directly next to Mexico Restaurant and Helena's Hawaiian food, this
property would be an excellent location for a small business or a possible tear down for an existing business to utilize for parking expansion. These mixed use
properties are rarely available in Kalihi so don't wait, call now!
[ListOfficeName] => Array
[0] => Hawaii Life
[BedsTotal] => Array
[0] => 2
[BathsFull] => Array
[0] => 1
[BathsHalf] => Array
[0] => 0
[LotSizeArea] => Array
[0] => 1827.00
[SqftTotal] => Array
[0] => 624
[YearBuilt] => Array
[0] => 1925
[BuildingName] => Array
[0] =>
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => Fair
[ParkingTotal] => Array
[0] => 2
[StoriesType] => Array
[0] => One
[View] => Array
[0] => Other
[MaintenanceExpense] => Array
[0] =>
[LandTenure] => Array
[0] => FS - Fee Simple
[ElementarySchool] => Array
[0] => Kapalama
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] => Array
[0] => Kalakaua
[HighSchool] => Array
[0] => Farrington
[ListOfficeMLSID] => Array
[0] => HLRE
[ListAgentEmail] => Array
[0] => tylerlundstrom@hawaiilife.com
[ListAgentDirectWorkPhone] => Array
[0] => (800) 370-3848
[ListAgentFullName] => Array
[0] => Tyler Lundstrom
[CloseDate] => Array
[0] =>
[MatrixModifiedDT] => Array
[0] => 2023-11-08T12:33:43.473
[Matrix_Unique_ID] => Array
[0] => 17506142
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => Array
[0] => 2023-08-15T16:54:39.400
[MLSAreaMajor] => Array
[0] => Metro
[PropertyFrontage] => Array
[0] => Other
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[0] => None
[_thumbnail_id] => Array
[0] => 25920365
[listing_image] => Array
[0] => 25920365
[1] => 25920366
[2] => 25920367
[3] => 25920368
[4] => 25920369
[5] => 25920370
[6] => 25920371
[7] => 25920372
[8] => 25920373
[9] => 25920374
[10] => 25920375
[11] => 25920376
[12] => 25920377
[13] => 25920378
[14] => 25920379
[15] => 25920380
[16] => 25920381
[17] => 25920382
[18] => 25920383
[MatrixModifiedTime] => Array
[0] => 12:33:43.473
- BedsTotal: 2
- Full Baths: 1
- Land Area (sf): 1,827 sf
- Living (sf): 624
- Year Built: 1925
- Property Condition: Fair
- Number of Parking Spaces: 2
- View: Other
- Listing Office: Hawaii Life
- Land Tenure: FS - Fee Simple
- Elementary School: Kapalama
- Middle School: Kalakaua
- High School: Farrington
Based on information from the Multiple Listing Service of HiCentral MLS, Ltd.
listings last updated on November 8, 2023 - 12:33 PM
Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Copyright: 2025 by HiCentral MLS, Ltd.
Some of the active listings appearing on this site may be listed by other REALTORS®.
If you are interested in those active listings, our company may represent you as the buyer's agent.
If the active listing you are interested in is our company's active listing, you may speak to one of our agents
regarding your options for representation.