99-438 Ulune Street Aiea, HI 96701


Price: $2,900,000
Status: Active

Rare opportunity to own two newly built homes on a spacious lot! This unique property is perfect for investors or large families seeking modern, high-quality living space. Top-quality materials and workmanship showcase the pride in building these homes. Conveniently located in Halawa with easy access to all parts of the island, you can say goodbye to traffic woes. Close to Tripler, Fort shafter, Pearl Harbor, Hickam, camp smith and all other bases, and all freeways, the rental potential remains huge. Don't miss out on this exceptional find! Multiple dwellings with multiple kitchens offer ample income potential. Listing by: eXp Realty (808) 200-9575

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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
    string(0) ""
  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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    [MLSNumber] => Array
            [0] => 202413689

    [StreetNumber] => Array
            [0] => 99-438

    [PropertyType] => Array
            [0] => Single Family

    [StreetName] => Array
            [0] => Ulune

    [StreetSuffix] => Array
            [0] => Street

    [UnitNumber] => Array
            [0] => 

    [City] => Array
            [0] => Aiea

    [StateOrProvince] => Array
            [0] => HI

    [PostalCode] => Array
            [0] => 96701

    [VirtualTourURLUnbranded] => Array
            [0] => 

    [ListPrice] => Array
            [0] => 2900000.00

    [CurrentPrice] => Array
            [0] => 2900000.00

    [Neighbourhood] => Array
            [0] => HALAWA

    [Status] => Array
            [0] => Active

    [PublicRemarks] => Array
            [0] => Rare opportunity to own two newly built homes on a spacious lot! This unique property is perfect for investors or large families seeking modern, high-quality living space. Top-quality materials and workmanship showcase the pride in building these homes. Conveniently located in Halawa with easy access to all parts of the island, you can say goodbye to traffic woes. Close to Tripler, Fort shafter, Pearl Harbor, Hickam, camp smith and all other bases, and all freeways, the rental potential remains huge. Don't miss out on this exceptional find! Multiple dwellings with multiple kitchens offer ample income potential.

    [ListOfficeName] => Array
            [0] => eXp Realty

    [BedsTotal] => Array
            [0] => 15

    [BathsFull] => Array
            [0] => 9

    [BathsHalf] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [LotSizeArea] => Array
            [0] => 12137.00

    [SqftTotal] => Array
            [0] => 6746

    [YearBuilt] => Array
            [0] => 2020

    [BuildingName] => Array
            [0] => 

    [PropertyCondition] => Array
            [0] => Excellent,Above Average

    [ParkingTotal] => Array
            [0] => 14

    [StoriesType] => Array
            [0] => Two

    [View] => Array
            [0] => Other

    [MaintenanceExpense] => Array
            [0] => 

    [LandTenure] => Array
            [0] => FS - Fee Simple

    [ElementarySchool] => Array
            [0] => 

    [MiddleOrJuniorSchool] => Array
            [0] => 

    [HighSchool] => Array
            [0] => 

    [ListOfficeMLSID] => Array
            [0] => EXPI

    [ListAgentEmail] => Array
            [0] => deep@deepinrealestate.com

    [ListAgentDirectWorkPhone] => Array
            [0] => (808) 200-9575

    [ListAgentFullName] => Array
            [0] => Deep Shrestha

    [CloseDate] => Array
            [0] => 

    [MatrixModifiedDT] => Array
            [0] => 2025-01-21T09:30:31.710

    [Matrix_Unique_ID] => Array
            [0] => 18055572

    [OriginalEntryTimestamp] => Array
            [0] => 2024-06-08T09:30:06.590

    [MLSAreaMajor] => Array
            [0] => PearlCity

    [PropertyFrontage] => Array
            [0] => Other

    [SpecialListingConditions] => Array
            [0] => None

    [_thumbnail_id] => Array
            [0] => 26579183

    [listing_image] => Array
            [0] => 26579183
            [1] => 26579184
            [2] => 26579185
            [3] => 26579186
            [4] => 26579187
            [5] => 26579188
            [6] => 26579189
            [7] => 26579190
            [8] => 26579191
            [9] => 26579192
            [10] => 26579193
            [11] => 26579194
            [12] => 26579195
            [13] => 26579196
            [14] => 26579197
            [15] => 26579198
            [16] => 26579199
            [17] => 26579200
            [18] => 26579201
            [19] => 26579202
            [20] => 26579203
            [21] => 26579204
            [22] => 26579205
            [23] => 26579206

    [ListingContractDate] => Array
            [0] => 2024-06-13

    [ExemptListingEntryTimestamp] => Array
            [0] => 

    [MatrixModifiedTime] => Array
            [0] => 09:30:31.710


  • BedsTotal: 15
  • Full Baths: 9
  • Half Baths: 1
  • Land Area (sf): 12,137 sf
  • Living (sf): 6,746
  • Year Built: 2020

  • Property Condition: Excellent,Above Average
  • Number of Parking Spaces: 14
  • View: Other
  • Listing Office: eXp Realty

  • Land Tenure: FS - Fee Simple


Marcus Realty
